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How to bet on 1XBET

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1.Sign in your 1XBET account.

If you don’t already have your own account, please click on the link below to register.

1XBET Promo code:1x_486072

If you want to know the detailed steps to register, you may click on the link below:

1XBET|How to register[promo code and bonus]

2.Open the home page

Open the 1XBET home page and find the match you want to bet on.

There is a tip for finding matches, click on “Sports” on the home page and when you get to the page you will see many matches.

How to bet on 1XBET - If you don't already have your own account, please click on the link below to register. - 1xbet

3.Find matches by time frame

On the sports page you can find matches by time frame, which is very convenient.

How to bet on 1XBET - If you don't already have your own account, please click on the link below to register. - 1xbet

For example, if you want to place a bet on a match that is due to start in two hours, then select the time period “<2h”.

If the type of match you want to bet on is football, click on the “Football” icon at the top. The system will then list the football matches that are due to start within 2 hours.

This will make it easy to find the match you want to place a bet on.

4.Select a match

Select a match as shown here:

How to bet on 1XBET

If you want to place a bet on a “win bet”, select the first handicap “1X2”, 1 for a home win, X for a draw and 2 for an away win. The handicap shows the direction: home team on the left, away team on the right.

In 1XBET’s football handicap, the “total” is the over/under.

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