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The method of withdrawal from 1XBET

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1XBET is a regular and safe sports betting site, how do you make withdrawals once you have made a profit from your bets on the site? I’ll tell you the details of how to do this.

The process of withdrawing funds is very simple:

  1. Click on the “Avatar” in the top right corner of the page
The method of withdrawal from 1XBET

Click on this and the following page will appear:

The method of withdrawal from 1XBET - 1XBET Registration URL:  Promo code:1x_486072 - 1xbet, 1xbet withdrawl

Click on “Withdraw Funds” and then select your convenient withdrawal channel, fill in your withdrawal card details, your real name and the withdrawal amount. Finally, please be patient and wait for the funds to arrive.

Tip: Withdrawal arrival time is usually between ten minutes and two hours. The first withdrawal may take longer because the platform will have to verify your information and the next withdrawal will be quicker once it is confirmed to be correct. This is also to protect the safety of your funds.

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1.1XBET|How to register【promo code and bonus】

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